Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2023

Presentation information

[J] Oral

M (Multidisciplinary and Interdisciplinary) » M-GI General Geosciences, Information Geosciences & Simulations

[M-GI30] Computational sciences on the universe, galaxies, stars, planets, and their environments

Fri. May 26, 2023 1:45 PM - 3:00 PM 202 (International Conference Hall, Makuhari Messe)

convener:Yoshi-Yuki Hayashi(Department of Planetology/CPS, Graduate School of Science, Kobe University), Junichiro Makino(Kobe University), Eiichiro Kokubo(Division of Science, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan), Masaki Ogawa, Chairperson:Yoshi-Yuki Hayashi(Department of Planetology/CPS, Graduate School of Science, Kobe University)

2:30 PM - 2:45 PM

[MGI30-04] Particle number dependence of the internal structure of the Moon-forming disk

Takeru Yamaoka1, *Takayuki Saitoh1, Natsuki Hosono1, Junichiro Makino1 (1.Kobe university)

Keywords:Moon-forming disk, N-body simulation

The current concordance scenario for the formation of the Moon is that first, there was a giant impact, and then the Moon-forming disk was formed around the Earth. In the disk, small materials gravitationally aggregated to form the Moon. Since the Moon-forming disk was formed by the radiative cooling of gas, it would consist of very small rocky particles. Since the current computational resources are insufficient to represent all the small rocky particles, the resolution dependence of the numerical modeling of the Moon-forming disk is crucial. Sasaki & Hosono (2018) studied the resolution dependence of the evolution of the Moon-forming disk using up to 107 particles, which is 2-3 orders of magnitude larger simulations than the previous studies. Here, we performed N-body simulations of the Moon-forming disk with up to 107 particles to investigate further details of its dynamical evolution. We found that in the inner region of 1.6 R_earth the disk has the ring like structure, which is different from the well-known spiral structure. When we looked closely, it turned out that this ring-like structure is a very tightly wound leading spiral. This structure can be clearly seen in simulations with 106-7 particles, but it is hard to see in simulations with <= 105 particles. This would be the reason why the previous studies did not point out the emergence of this structure. In studies on the Saturn's ring, it has been pointed out that the viscous overstability plays a crucial role to make the B ring become a steady state. Comparing our results with the local simulations of the B-ring, we found that the ring-spiral transition region of the Moon-forming disk is well matched with the B ring case. In addition, the ring separation distance normalized by the Toomre's critical wavelength is consistent with both our results and the B-ring. We also found that the angular momentum transfer to the outer region is inefficient with a larger number of simulations, which implies that further higher resolution studies are essential to confirm the convergence of the numerical modeling and to understand the detailed evolution of the Moon-forming disk.