Jaeheung PARK1,3, *Young-Sil Kwak1,3, Kyoung Wook Min2, Jae-Jin Lee1,3, Junga Hwang1,3, Hee-Jun Kim2 (1.Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, 2.Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, 3.University of Science and Technology)
convener:Charles Lin(Department of Earth Science, National Cheng Kung University), Yang-Yi Sun(Kyushu Univsersuty, Department of Earth and Planetary Science), Hidekatsu Jin(National Institude of Information and Communications Technology), Jaeheung PARK(Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute), Chairperson:Charles Lin(Department of Earth Science, National Cheng Kung University), Chairperson:Young-Sil Kwak(KASI Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute)