The 66th Annual Meeting of Jpn. Petrol. Inst. (The 72nd R&D Symposium of JPI)

Outline of the 65th annual meeting

Day 1 / Tue., May 28
The 28th JPIJS Poster sess.(11:30-17:00)
JPI President's remarks(15:30-15:35)
 President of JPI
Award lecture-The Japan Petroleum Institute Award(15:35-16:35)
"Machine learning-based catalyst design and their application to C1 chemistry"
Kohji OMATA (Prof., Shimane Univ.)
"Newly designed molecular catalysts for synthesis of new polyolefins and selective ethylene dimerization"
Kotohiro NOMURA (Prof., Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.)
Special lecture(16:50-17:50)
 "Marine mineral resources: From basic research on formation processes to environmental impact assessment"
Katsuhiko SUZUKI
Japn Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC) 
Banquet(18:00-19:30, 2F-“Fukuju”)

Day 2nd / Tue., May 29
Invited lectures
"Promotion of circular economy in AIST" (Room-A, 13:00-13:30)
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)
"Policy trends towards realizing renewable energy targets in the EU"
  (Room-A, 17:15-17:45)
Representative Office in Europe,
New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO)
*This lecture will be given online for the convenience of the lecturer.

Award lectures-The Japan Petroleum Institute Award for Distinguished Papers
"Low-temperature production of hydrogen cyanide over alumina-supported platinum catalyst using nitric oxide as an oxidant  (Room-C, 10:45-11:15)
Atsushi TAKAGAKI (Prof., Yokohama National Univ.)

Estimating pressure-volume-temperature properties of crude oil systems using boosted decision tree regression” (Room-B, 11:00-11:30)
Meshal Musaed ALMASHAN (Assistant Prof., College of Technological Studies, The Public Authority for Applied Education and Training)
*This lecture will be given online for the convenience of the lecturer. 
Award Lectures-The Japan Petroleum Institute Award for Technological Progress
"Product development of ultra low viscosity transaxle fluid for electrified vehicles" (Room-B, 13:45-14:15)
Daisuke TOKOZAKURA (Advanced Powertrain Fundamental Technology Development Dept., Toyota Motor Corp.)
"Development of oil recovery from sludge and oil mixing technology" 
Yasutomo MIURA (Enviromental Technology Gr., 
Research & Development Center, Cosmo Oil Co., Ltd.)
Award Lectures-The Japan Petroleum Institute Award for Encouragement of Research and Development
"Clarification of the catalytically active structure for the gas-phase selective oxidation of unsaturated aldehydes"(Room-C,15:00-15:30)
 Satoshi ISHIKAWA (Special Assistant Prof., Kanagawa Univ.)

"Copper-based combustion catalysts for fuel ammonia"
Satoshi HINOKUMA (Natioinal Inst. of Adv. Ind. Sci. and Tech.)

"Alkane dehydrogenation catalysis of non-noble metal hydrides in zeolites and bulk metal hydrides" (Room-C, 15:30-16:00)
Zen MAENO (Assistant Prof., Kogakuin Univ.)
"Separation of woody and herbaceous biomass using biphasic organosolv treatment and catalytic conversion of its components"(Room-B, 14:15-14:45)
(Assistant Prof., Obihiro Univ. Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine)

"Oxidative dehydrogenation of isobutane to isobutene over metal-modified mesoporous silica"(Room-C,10:00-10:30)
Yuki KATO (Mitsubishi Chemical Corp.)
The 72nd R&D Symp. of JPI(9:45-17:45)
     Detailed program