The 133rd Annual Meeting of the Japan Prosthodontic Society / The 14th Biennial Congress of the Asian Academy of Prosthodontics (AAP)

Presentation information

Clinical Competition

On-site & Live Streaming

Toward the esthetic prosthodontics through collaboration between dentist and dental technician

Sun. Jul 7, 2024 1:10 PM - 4:10 PM Room 2 (Makuhari Messe International Conference Hall 2F International Conference Room)

Chair: Chikahiro Ohkubo (Tsurumi University), Yoshizo Matsuka (Tokushima University)

Co-organized by Society of Japan Clinical Dentistry / The Academy of Clinical Dentistry

[CC-6] Digital workflow for creating prosthesis-soft tissue interfaces

*Yohei Sato1,2, *Keisuke Ihara3 (1. Nishi-Kanto Branch, 2. Department of Oral Rehabilitation and Prosthodontics, Tsurumi University School of Dental Medicine, 3. Nishi-Kanto Branch)