公益社団法人日本補綴歯科学会第133回学術大会 / The 14th Biennial Congress of the Asian Academy of Prosthodontics (AAP)





2024年7月7日(日) 13:10 〜 13:40 第5会場 (幕張メッセ国際会議場 3F 303)

座長:Siti Mariam Ab Ghani(Universiti Teknologi MARA)

[EO-20] Photographic color evaluation of pigmented silicone elastomer with and without filler infusion subjected to tropical climate

*Jamayet Nafij1、Rashid Farah 2、Barman Aparna5、Patil Pravinkumar3、Farook Taseef2、Eusufzai Sumaiya Zabin4 (1. Senior Lecturer, Divison of Restorative Dentistry, School of Dentistry, International Medical University, 57000, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia、2. Phd Research Fellow, Adelaide Dental School, The University of Adelaide, Adelaide, South Australia 5005, Australia、3. Associate Professor, Divison of Restorative Dentistry, School of Dentistry, International Medical University, 57000, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia、4. Phd Research Fellow, School of Dental Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 16150, Kota Bharu, Malaysia、5. Master Research Fellow, School of Dental Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 16150, Kota Bharu, Malaysia)

Objective: The study aims to digitally assess how SiO2 filler and outdoor weathering affect the color stability of silicone elastomers with blush and honey pigments exposed to tropical weathering.

Method: According to the ‘Fitzpatrick scale’ 2 oil-based pigments blush (FI-SK13) and honey (FI-SK09) were selected to make 216 pigmented prosthetic silicone specimens A-103(blush), A-103(honey), A-2006(blush), A-2006(honey) which were derived from custom 3D-printed templates (Fig.1). 72 pigmented specimens were weathered, 72 were kept within a dark chamber (control) and 72 were infused with nano-filler particle silicon dioxide1. Specimens were subjected to weathering (outdoor and dark storage) for 4 months within a custom exposure rack. The specimens were then photographed in an in-house standardized professional studio setup (Fig.2). A Macbeth color chart and software-based color calibration were used to extract the CIELAB values from the images. Afterward, an equation was used to evaluate the before-after weathering color differences . For statistical analysis, Independent Sample t-test and Multifactorial Analyses of Variance were performed2.

Results and Discussion: Within the vast range of weathering anomalies, A-103 (honey) and A-2006 (blush) exhibited no significant (P>.05) color differences after weathering with significant interaction (P<.001) effects observed between all silicone groups and pigments. However, nano-filler incorporated pigmented silicone exhibited no significant (P>.05) differences for factor pigments and filler groups, but a highly significant (P<.001) effect was observed for the silicone groups while they interacted all together. Based on the interaction effect, the study implies that A-103 (blush) showed less color degradation as they interacted positively with nano-filler.

1)Kiat S et al, Beerbower M, Power JM et al. Influence of pigments and opacifiers on color stability of silicone maxillofacial elastomer. J Dent 2009; 37: E45–50
2)Bishal AK, Wee AG, Barao VAR et al. Color stability of maxillofacial prosthetic silicone functionalized with oxide nanocoating. J Prosthet Dent 2019; 121: 538–543