The 133rd Annual Meeting of the Japan Prosthodontic Society / The 14th Biennial Congress of the Asian Academy of Prosthodontics (AAP)

Presentation information

Oral Presentation


Oral Presentation 3
Removable Prosthodontics, Fixed Partial Denture

Sat. Jul 6, 2024 2:10 PM - 2:40 PM Room 3 (Makuhari Messe International Conference Hall 2F 201)

Chair: Futoshi Komine (Nihon University)

[O1-7] Improved sodium alginate bonded mounted wheel with gelatin added as a bond

*Kai Tagami1, Hideaki Sato1, Yutaka Komasa2, Satoshi Komasa3 (1. Department of Mechanics, Graduate School of Integrative Science and Engineering, Tokyo city University, 2. Department of Oral Health Engineering, Osaka Dental University, 3. Department of Removable Prosthodontics and Occlusion, Osaka Dental University)