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英語 ポスター2

Assessment & Measurement 1

Sun. Jun 7, 2015 10:50 AM - 11:50 AM ポスター会場 (展示ホール)

座長:Rie Kasai(東京工科大学 医療保健学部理学療法学科)

[P3-0791] The effects of muscle activities wearing textured insoles during the pre-motion EMG silent period prior to jump

Mayu Sakamoto, Ayumi Echigo, Hiroyasu Iwatsuki (Graduate School of Physical Therapy, Aomori University of Health and Welfare)

Keywords:insoles, pre-motion silent period, gait performance

Evidence suggests that textured insoles can alter gait and standing balance by way of enhanced tactile stimulation of the mechanoreceptors of the plantar skin. The pre-motion silent period(PMSP)may indicates pre-movement muscle architectural change to generate a better muscular condition to increase neural activation during the subsequent rapid voluntary contraction. In this study we investigated whether textured insoles have an immediate effect on gait and PMSP prior to jump in healthy persons.
Ten young female persons were recruited for this study. All participants gave written, informed consent to the study. Participants were examined under three different footwear conditions:1)barefoot(control);2)medial longitudinal arch supported insole(Super feet);3)textured insole. Participants were instructed to walk 20 meters twice, and to respond to the flashing light by performing a vertical jump as quickly as possible and under three footwear conditions. Measurements of the gait parameters comprised velocity, cadence, and stride length. Surface electromyograms were recorded from the right quadriceps and gastrocnemius muscles.
Wearing of the Super feet and the textured insoles caused significantly higher gait velocity, step length, and stride length compared with control. Both the Super feet and the textured insoles, the mean amplitudes of the PMSP in the quadriceps were significantly smaller than that of control. However, the mean amplitudes of the PMSP in the gastrocnemius muscle were no significant differences among three conditions.
These results suggest that stimulation of the plantar surface with both Super feet and the textured insoles significantly improve gait performance. Our data indicate that the Super feet and the textured insoles may provide an immediate benefit in improving stability of high fall-risk population.