The 64th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Anesthesiologists

Presentation information

Poster presentation


[P01-09] 分離肺換気

Thu. Jun 8, 2017 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM Poster (Kobe International Exhibition Hall No1 2F)

座長:中山 禎人(札幌南三条病院)

[P01-09-03] One-lung ventilation using low tidal volumes and pressure limitation for surgery of secondary spontaneous pneumothorax associated with diffuse lung disease: A retrospective investigation of 19 cases.

〇Keita Horie1, Hitoshi Shimizu1, Yoshinobu Kimura1, Kozue Yamaguchi1, Shinichi Murakami1, Takuro Obama2 (1. Department of Anesthesiology, JR Sapporo Hospital, 2. Department of Vascular - Thoracic Surgery, JR Sapporo Hospital)

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