The 65th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Anesthesiologists

Presentation information



[PD01-11] [麻酔科関連-1]ポスターディスカッション:麻酔科関連-1 術後評価・その他

Thu. May 17, 2018 2:30 PM - 4:00 PM RoomD (PACIFICO YOKOHAMA Conference Center 4F 416+417)

Chair:Yukari Minami, Commentater:Shuu Matsukawa

[PD01-11-01] The examination of conservative therapy for hip fructure patients with calf venouse thrombosis

〇Atsushi Ueda1, Fumihiko Sano1, Mayumi Ikeda1, Junichi Inoue1, Tomoaki Shimizu1, Takashi Kita1 (1. Osaka police hospital)

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