The 65th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Anesthesiologists

Presentation information


[T04] [麻酔博物館委員会]麻酔博物館委員会:麻酔博物館委員会企画―麻酔科学史研究会第4回大会

Thu. May 17, 2018 1:45 PM - 3:45 PM Room7 (PACIFICO YOKOHAMA Conference Center 4F 414+415)

Chair:Hirosato Kikuchi, Chair:Junzo Takeda, Chair:Shigeru Saitoh

[T04-05] Four Americans Who Influenced the Introduction of Modern Anesthesia and Medicine in Meiji Japan

〇KENTARO DOTE1, Keizo Ikemune1, Hideyuki Nandate1, Amane Konishi1, Hirosi Makino2, Tosihiro Yorozuya1 (1. Ehime University Hospital, 2. Hamamatsu medical school)

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