- General Session
- [General Session] 1. Basis / Theory
- [General Session] 2. Machine Learning
- [General Session] 3. Data Mining
- [General Session] 4. Knowledge Utilization and Sharing
- [General Session] 5. Web Intelligence
- [General Session] 6. Web Mining
- [General Session] 7. Agent
- [General Session] 8. Soft Computing
- [General Session] 9. NLP / IR
- [General Session] 10. Vision / Speech
- [General Session] 11. Robot / Real World
- [General Session] 12. HI / Education Aid
- [General Session] 13. AI Application
- Interactive
- Organized Session
- [Organized Session] OS-1
- [Organized Session] OS-2
- [Organized Session] OS-3
- [Organized Session] OS-4
- [Organized Session] OS-5
- [Organized Session] OS-6
- [Organized Session] OS-7
- [Organized Session] OS-8
- [Organized Session] OS-9
- [Organized Session] OS-10
- [Organized Session] OS-11
- [Organized Session] OS-12
- [Organized Session] OS-13
- [Organized Session] OS-14
- [Organized Session] OS-15
- [Organized Session] OS-16
- [Organized Session] OS-17
- [Organized Session] OS-18
- [Organized Session] OS-19
- [Organized Session] OS-21
- [Organized Session] OS-22
- [Organized Session] OS-24
- [Organized Session] OS-25
- [Organized Session] OS-27
- [Organized Session] OS-28
- NFC Session
- [NFC Session] NFC-1 CRSP (Integrated Platform for Cloud-based Robot Services)
- [NFC Session] NFC-2 UEPD (Development of fundamental technology for understanding emotions of people with dementia and its applications to communication support)
- [NFC Session] NFC-3 PADSED (Product and Activity Design Support based on Event Database)
- [NFC Session] NFC-4 5C (Comprehending Consumers: Computing Complexity of Cultures)
- Plenary session
- Proposed session
- Tutorial
- Industrial session
- Night / Luncheon
- Other