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Organized Session

Organized Session » [OS] OS-19

[2J5-OS-19b] 「プロジェクション科学」の発展と応用(2)

Wed. Jun 5, 2019 5:20 PM - 7:00 PM Room J (201B Medium meeting room)

岡田 浩之(玉川大学)、鈴木 宏昭(青山学院大学)

6:00 PM - 6:20 PM

[2J5-OS-19b-03] Body Schema Calibration under Virtual Reality

The Evaluation using Regression Model in The Direction of Extension and Contraction

〇Noriki Mochizuki1, Ryo Suzuki1, Eimei Oyama2, Sousuke Nakamura1 (1. Hosei University, 2. National Institute Advanced Industrial Science and Technology)

Keywords:Body Schema, Virtual Body Operation, Virtual Hand Illusion, Telexistence

In the immersive virtual reality system, when the shape of the virtual body is parted from the real body, there is a problem that its operability deteriorates. The authors assumed this is caused by misfit of the body schema which is an internal model in the brain realizing the body position, because it is initially tuned up to the real body instead of virtual body. Thus, the authors have proposed a method called body schema calibration using VR technology to change the body schema adapting to the real body so as to fit the virtual body. In this paper, we newly evaluated two regression models based on the result of body schema calibration to the direction of extension and contraction. As a result, two-piece linear regression model was more suitable than the linear regression model. And it was suggested that the changing characteristics of the body schema are different in the direction of extension and contraction.