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Organized Session

Organized Session » [OS] OS-4

[3D3-OS-4a] 自律・創発・汎用AIアーキテクチャ(1)

Thu. Jun 6, 2019 1:50 PM - 3:10 PM Room D (301B Medium meeting room)

栗原 聡(慶應義塾大学)、川村 秀憲(北海道大学)、津田 一郎(中部大学)、大倉 和博(広島大学)

1:50 PM - 2:10 PM

[3D3-OS-4a-01] Story Association Mediated by Individual and General Concepts

〇Taisuke Akimoto1 (1. Kyushu Institute of Technology)

Keywords:story, cognitive system, memory, concept

From a cognitive system perspective, story association (association among stories) can be positioned as a common process underlying various cognitive activities including remembering and reusing of stories, construction of a subjective world, etc. In this paper, the author presents a basic computational theory of story association especially focusing on the role of entities, times, and places. In particular, an identical entity, time, or place appearing in multiple stories is positioned as an individual concept, a general level representational unit in a cognitive system. A simple implementation of story association model based on the proposed theory is also presented.