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Organized Session

Organized Session » [OS] OS-14

[3F3-OS-14a] 人狼知能と不完全情報ゲーム(1)

Thu. Jun 6, 2019 1:50 PM - 3:30 PM Room F (302B Medium meeting room)

稲葉 通将(広島市立大学)、片上 大輔(東京工芸大学)、狩野 芳伸(静岡大学)、大槻 恭士(山形大学)

3:10 PM - 3:30 PM

[3F3-OS-14a-05] Analyis of Strategies in Werewolf Game by 3 Players Considering Voting Behaviour of Other Players

〇Hinako Tamai1 (1. Nara Women's University)

Keywords:Werewolf Game

In this research, based on the Utterance model in Werewolf Game by 3 Players of the previous research, we examined the strategy of reasonable voting behavior when anticipating the voting behavior of others. As a result, we found that a strategy which is quite different from the voting behavior which is considered reasonable when not considering the voting behavior of others is obtained. In addition, we found that the same strategy appears at regular intervals when the estimation of the voting behavior of others is repeated.