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General Session

General Session » J-12 Human interface, education aid

[2B6-GS-12] Human interface, education aid: Learning and modeling

Wed. Jun 10, 2020 5:50 PM - 7:30 PM Room B (jsai2020online-2)


5:50 PM - 6:10 PM

[2B6-GS-12-01] A System for Training Logical Thinking Abilities by Constructing Flowchartson the Basis of Kit-Build Method

〇Misaki Hiura1, Kayo Kawamoto1, Tomoyuki Uchida1, Satoshi Iwaki1, Yusuke Hayashi2, Tsukasa Hirashima2 (1. Hiroshima City University, 2. Hiroshima University)

Keywords:Logical Thinking, Kit-Build, Information Structure Oriented Approach, Learning Support System

To solve a given problem, it is necessary to extract the essence of the problem and give a solution constructed logically on the basis of it. The process of solving a given problem autonomously and logically can be simulated by the work of constructing flowcharts logically for it. This leads us to the idea that the self-study training of constructing flowcharts can foster logical thinking abilities effectively by using the Kit-build method that can judge correct or not immediately. The purpose of this paper is to propose a system of effectively training logical thinking abilities by constructing flowcharts on the basis of the Kit-Build method. Furthermore, the proposed system was implemented on an android tablet, and by reporting the experimental results and questionnaires using the implemented system, it was shown that the proposed system can effectively foster logical thinking abilities including composition abilities.

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