6:10 PM - 6:30 PM
[2B6-GS-12-02] Learner Modeling Method to Capture 'Belief in Understanding' Based on Semantics-aware Presentation Materials
Keywords:Learner Model, Intelligent Tutoring System, Knowledge Representation, Presentation Design Tasks
Most Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS) are designed to promote learners’ better understanding of what is explicitly written in texts about a target learning domain. However, these ITS lack of consideration on learners’ awareness of their own “belief in understanding,” which yet plays a central role in the learning process control. In order to tackle such issue, we developed a method for building a learner-model that captures learners’ “belief in understanding” including their understanding state. More specifically, we set a learning situation to let learners carry on presentation design tasks by using semantics-aware presentation materials (slides and terms of learning goals). We designed the materials with an asymmetric structure between information that learners can recognize explicitly and information which is processable by computers. Based on these characteristics, our learner-model enables computer-systems to capture what learners should understand and what learners try to understand even if it this is not explicitly written.
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