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Organized Session

Organized Session » OS-19

[4E3-OS-19b] OS-19 (2)

Fri. Jun 12, 2020 2:00 PM - 3:40 PM Room E (jsai2020online-5)

湯浅 将英(湘南工科大学)、岡田 将吾(北陸先端科学技術大学院大学)、酒井 元気(東京電機大学)、酒造 正樹(東京電機大学)

2:20 PM - 2:40 PM

[4E3-OS-19b-02] Coordination among Expert Break Dancers in Their Battle Scene


〇Daichi Shimizu1, Takeshi Okada1 (1. The University of Tokyo)

Keywords:Coordination among performers, Rhythmic movement, Phase analysis, Performing Arts, Breakdance

In the performing arts, people actively interact and show their exciting performances. Some studies have proposed that this interaction is the social origin of the performing arts and investigated this phenomenon based on the synchronization theory. Though the majority of them have focused on the collaborative context, several genres of the performing arts have competitive contexts. Some experts suggest that they construct some interesting coordination in this context, which is different from that in the collaborative context. However, this coordination has not been sufficiently investigated. Therefore, we investigated the coordination of expert breakdancers in battle scenes. We measured their rhythmic movements using a motion capture system and calculated the relative phase between two dancers. The results showed that the dancers’ rhythmic movements tended to synchronize in an anti-phase fashion, which means that there were similarities as well as differences. Further, this pattern of synchronization changed as time elapsed.

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