3:20 PM - 3:45 PM
Hideaki Hoshino1, Kento Morita1, Daisuke Takeda2, Takumi Hasegawa2, Tetsushi Wakabayashi1 (1. Mie University, 2. Kobe University Hospital)
Tue. Jun 8, 2021 3:20 PM - 5:00 PM Room M (CybConf room)
Kento Morita, Yuki Shinomiya
3:20 PM - 3:45 PM
Hideaki Hoshino1, Kento Morita1, Daisuke Takeda2, Takumi Hasegawa2, Tetsushi Wakabayashi1 (1. Mie University, 2. Kobe University Hospital)
3:45 PM - 4:10 PM
Kazunori Oka1, Takumi Hirahara1, Yasunobu Nohara2 Sozo Inoue3 Koichi Arimura4, Koji Iihara5, Syoji Kobashi1 (1. University of Hyogo, 2. Kumamoto University, 3. Kyushu Institute of Technology, 4. Kyushu University, 5. National Cerebral and Cadiovascular Center)
4:10 PM - 4:35 PM
Kaito Furuo 1, Kento Morita 1, Tomohito Hagi 2, Tomoki Nakamura 2, Tetsushi Wakabayashi 1 (1. Mie University, 2. Mie University Hospital)
4:35 PM - 5:00 PM
Shoya Kusunose1, Yuki Shinomiya1, Takashi Ushiwaka2, Nagamasa Maeda3, Yukinobu Hoshino1 (1. Kochi University of Technology, 2. Kagoshima Uniciersity, 3. Kochi Medical School)
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