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General Session

General Session » GS-4 Web intelligence

[1I3-GS-4b] Webインテリジェンス:コミュニティ

Tue. Jun 8, 2021 3:20 PM - 5:00 PM Room I (GS room 4)

座長:柴田 祐樹(東京都立大学)

3:20 PM - 3:40 PM

[1I3-GS-4b-01] Analysis on Sellers’ Activation in a CtoC Market

〇Taisei Ninomiya1, Fujio Toriumi1, Mao Nishiguchi1 (1. the University of Tokyo)

Keywords:Computational Social Sciences, Complex Networks, user clustering, e-commerce

Recently, the market for consumer-to-consumer (CtoC) transactions has been growing and attracting attention. To revitalize the CtoC market, existing studies have mainly focused on predicting the departure of sellers and analyzing the purchase intention of buyers, and little research has been conducted on the trend of sellers' revitalization. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of the relationship between sellers on the change in seller's sales. We created a network with sellers as nodes, extracted communities, and analyzed the relationship between changes in sales and features of sellers for each community. We found that the impact of popular sellers on neighboring users varies from community to community, in some cases promoting activation and in others inhibiting it.

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