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General Session

General Session » GS-5 Agents

[2I4-GS-5c] エージェント:基礎

Wed. Jun 9, 2021 3:20 PM - 5:00 PM Room I (GS room 4)

座長:大滝 啓介(豊田中央研究所)

3:40 PM - 4:00 PM

[2I4-GS-5c-02] Mathematical Analysis of Physical Cooperative Behavior of Humans and Machines Using RoCoCo

〇Yoshiki Takatsu1, Masahide Imaki1, Naoto Iwahashi1 (1. Okayama Prefectural University)


The importance of cooperation has been recognized in a wide range of scientific and technological fields. In this study, we develop an interactive multi-player software platform called RoCoCo (role coordinative cooperation) to investigate issues related to cooperation. In RoCoCo, machine-intelligence-based players can cooperate with each other and with human players to complete certain given tasks in virtual environments, such as carrying tables, driving, and playing ball games. We present the methods used to mathematically analyze the output of RoCoCo, which were developed from a combined perspective of control, information theory, and dynamical systems. Finally, we discuss the physical cooperation properties revealed by the results.

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