2021年度 人工知能学会全国大会(第35回)



国際セッション(Regular) » ER-2 Machine learning

[2N4-IS-2c] Machine learning (3/5)

2021年6月9日(水) 15:20 〜 17:00 N会場 (IS会場)

Chair: Hiroki Shibata (Tokyo Metropolitan University)

16:40 〜 17:00

[2N4-IS-2c-05] Performance Evaluation of Japanese BERT Model for Intent Classification Using a Chatbot

〇Kazunori Yawata1, Tamao Suzuki1, Keisuke Kiryu1, Ken Mohri2 (1. The Dai-ichi-Life Infomation Systems Co.,Ltd, 2. Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu LLC)

キーワード:Natural Language Processing, Pretrained Language Model, BERT

The recent development of natural language processing technology using deep learning has been remarkable. BERT, developed by Google, and GPT, developed by the OpenAI Foundation, have contributed to this development.
In this experiment, we compared the performance of the Japanese BERT model, one of the latest natural language processing technologies, with Word2Vec, one of the conventional methods.
We used data from the LiveDoor news corpus for the experiments. We also built a FAQ chatbot and compared the rate of correct answers to questions about news articles asked by users between BERT and Word2Vec.
In our experiments, BERT showed superior performance compared to Word2Vec. We were also able to obtain specific insights into the factors that contributed to the performance of BERT, and were able to objectively evaluate the performance of the Japanese BERT model.

