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General Session

General Session » GS-3 Knowledge utilization and sharing

[3H1-GS-3d] 知識の利用:オントロジー

Thu. Jun 10, 2021 9:00 AM - 10:40 AM Room H (GS room 3)

座長:大向 一輝(東京大学)

10:20 AM - 10:40 AM

[3H1-GS-3d-05] Designing and Use of Ontology for Cattle Feed

〇Sungmin Joo1, Hideaki Takeda1, Akane Takezaki2, Toshihisa Sugino3 (1. National Institute of Informatics, 2. National Agriculture and Food Research Organization, 3. Hiroshima University)

Keywords:Agriculture, Ontology, Livestock, Core Vocabulary

ICT systems related to cattle feed are widespread in the livestock field, and various feed information is used. However, the names and structures of feed information are different, making it challenging to integrate data. In this paper, we suggest an ontology for standardizing cattle feed names and structuring relevant information. Furthermore, by building it as a knowledge graph, interoperability between ICT systems will be enhanced.

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