3:20 PM - 3:40 PM
[3I4-GS-7a-01] Differentiable Architecture Search Using Stable Rank of Convolutional Layers
Keywords:AI, Deep Learning, Neural Architecture Search, DARTS; Differentiable Architecture Search, Stable Rank
We propose Neural Architecture Search method MSR-DARTS, which uses the stable rank of a convolutional layer for selecting the optimal network structure.
We evaluate MSR-DARTS on CIFAR10 and ImageNet dataset.
It achieves an error rate of 2.80% on CIFAR10 and a top-1 error rate of 24.0% of ImageNet.
We evaluate MSR-DARTS on CIFAR10 and ImageNet dataset.
It achieves an error rate of 2.80% on CIFAR10 and a top-1 error rate of 24.0% of ImageNet.
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