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Organized Session

Organized Session » OS-11

[4E2-OS-11b] 人間と共生する対話知能(2/4)

Fri. Jun 11, 2021 11:00 AM - 12:20 PM Room E (OS room 3)

座長:東中 竜一郎(名古屋大学)

11:20 AM - 11:40 AM

[4E2-OS-11b-02] A Study on Various Adaptive Responses in Non-Task-Oriented Dialogue Systems Considering Users' Acceptable Range

〇Hirofumi KIKUCHI1, JIE YANG1, Hideaki KIKUCHI1 (1. WASEDA University)

Keywords:Dialogue System, Paralinguistic Information, Acceptance Range, Valence, Breakdown

Recently, the number of elderly people living alone in households is increasing in Japan. In these households, the frequency of conversation is decreasing. There are concerns that less frequent conversations will lead to a decline in health.
Spoken dialogue systems are expected to be used to meet this demand for conversation.
However, spoken dialogue systems have a problem of decreasing the users' desire to continue the dialogue.
In this research, we aim to solve such a problem of breakdown.
We have confirmed that there exists an acceptable range of system response to users' utterances using a single speaker's utterances.
In this paper, we recorded user utterances by nine speakers and conducted a listening evaluation experiment to confirm the existence of acceptance for various types of user utterances.
As results, the tendency of the relationship between user utterances and system responses, which is related to the users' acceptance judgment, was clarified.

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