6:50 PM - 7:10 PM
[2F6-GS-5-01] Computational Social Choice Competition
Keywords:Artificial Intelligence, Computational Social Choice, Voting, Multiagent System, Simulation
The field of computational social choice brings together principles, techniques, and tools from computer science and social choice theory to create a thriving multidisciplinary field. One of the most well-studied problems in computational social choice focuses on voting rules for selecting the winning candidate in an election. Recent research goes beyond classical voting rules by looking at rules that select multiple winners or drawing on the parallels between machine learning and voting. It is common to encounter voting paradoxes when implementing voting rules in electoral systems. Unfortunately, these paradoxes usually provide little information on the conditions that make them more or less likely to occur. Computer simulations and generative probabilistic models are practical approaches to address this problem. This short paper addresses the problem of evaluating voting rules in competitive computer simulations. Multiagent simulations can provide valuable insights into the performances of competing voting rules defined over parametrically generated problems and populations. The outcomes of this work could improve the designs of electoral systems in the absence of theoretical results to support the optimality of a voting method, and to bridge the gap between axiomatic and experimental analysis of voting systems, leading the way to enhanced explanations and predictions.
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