5:00 PM - 5:20 PM
〇Tsubasa Odani1, Wataru Sunayama2, Shun Hattori2 (1. Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Shiga Prefecture, 2. School of Engineering, The University of Shiga Prefecture)
Organized Session
Organized Session » OS-10
Tue. May 28, 2024 5:00 PM - 6:40 PM Room J (Room 43)
オーガナイザ:砂山 渡(滋賀県立大学)、森 辰則(横浜国立大学)、高間 康史(東京都立大学)、笹嶋 宗彦(兵庫県立大学)、西原 陽子(立命館大学)
5:00 PM - 5:20 PM
〇Tsubasa Odani1, Wataru Sunayama2, Shun Hattori2 (1. Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Shiga Prefecture, 2. School of Engineering, The University of Shiga Prefecture)
5:20 PM - 5:40 PM
〇Yuto Noro1, Wataru Sunayama2, Shun Hattori2 (1. Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Shiga Prefecture, 2. School of Engineering, The University of Shiga Prefecture)
5:40 PM - 6:00 PM
〇Taketo Fujikawa1, Reon Hata1, Mitsunori Matsushita1 (1. Kansai University)
6:00 PM - 6:20 PM
〇YANGDI NI1, Junjie SHAN1, Yoko NISHIHARA1 (1. Ritsumeikan University)
6:20 PM - 6:40 PM
〇Takeo Harada1,2,3 (1. Institute for International Strategy and Information Analysis, Inc. , 2. The Social Cooperation Program: Mathematical Engineering of Morality Emotions, Graduate School of Engineering, University of Tokyo, 3. Gakushuin Women's College)
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