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Organized Session

Organized Session » OS-14

[1M4-OS-14a] OS-14

Tue. May 28, 2024 3:00 PM - 4:40 PM Room M (Room 53)

オーガナイザ:小西 達裕(静岡大学 情報学部)、宇都 雅輝(電気通信大大学院 情報理工学研究科)、小暮 悟(静岡大学 情報学部)、山元 翔(近畿大学 情報学部)

3:00 PM - 3:20 PM

[1M4-OS-14a-01] Modifying the Complexity of Questions Considering Content using Large Language Models

〇Yo Ehara1 (1. Tokyo Gakugei University)


Keywords:Educational AI, Discrimination, Difficulty, Large Language Models

This paper describes methods to modify the complexity of educational questions in a content-aware manner using large language models.

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