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Organized Session

Organized Session » OS-14

[1M5-OS-14b] OS-14

Tue. May 28, 2024 5:00 PM - 6:40 PM Room M (Room 53)

オーガナイザ:小西 達裕(静岡大学 情報学部)、宇都 雅輝(電気通信大大学院 情報理工学研究科)、小暮 悟(静岡大学 情報学部)、山元 翔(近畿大学 情報学部)

6:20 PM - 6:40 PM

[1M5-OS-14b-05] Examination of a Phonological Awareness Estimation Method Using Personalized Cognitive Models and Audio Filters

〇Jumpei Nishikawa1, Junya Morita1 (1. Shizuoka University)

Keywords:Cognitive modeling, Phonological awareness, ACT-R

Language development is supported by phonological awareness, which is related to attention to phonological aspects of spoken language. We aim to develop a system that supports phonological awareness formation using cognitive models. Estimating the state of a user's phonological awareness is a kind of identification of the user's auditory filter. This paper reports on an experiment with adults by setting up an audio filter that is applied to the system's output sound. The user's phonological awareness is estimated as a relative preference for two computational models presented by the system. Using the system with audio filters, we test the hypothesis that audio filters affect the relative preference for the models.

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