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Organized Session

Organized Session » OS-32

[1T4-OS-32b] OS-32

Tue. May 28, 2024 3:00 PM - 4:40 PM Room T (Room 62)

オーガナイザ:大澤 博隆(慶應義塾大学)、宮田 龍(株式会社アラヤ)、西中 美和(香川大学)

3:00 PM - 3:20 PM

[1T4-OS-32b-01] A Proposal of Science Fiction Prototyping Framework for Creation of New Business

〇Yuki Itoh1, Kosuke Sasaki1, Masakazu Moriguchi1, Hisashi Noda1 (1. NEC Solution Innovators, Ltd.)

Keywords:Science Fiction Prototyping, Creation of New Business

We try that take advantage of Science Fiction Prototyping (SFP) for creation of new business.
SFP is methodology that we discuss and share about vision of future with someone by creating vison of no existent future through Science fiction.
"Creation of new business" mean planning new business based on one's ideal vision of future.
In this study, we make new framework of SFP for creation of new business.
This framework has six phases.
In Prepare phase, presentation tha way of thinking on SFP.
In Design phase, deciding theme and outline of creation based on one's ideal vision of future.
In Reveal phase, refining worldview of this creation by writing novel.
In Sympathy phase, summarizing product or service that in worldview of this creation.
In Backcast phase, backcasting from worldview of this creation.
In How Now phase, organizing what to do for now based on backcasting.
We can create helpful worldview to create new business by think based on one's ideal vision of future using this framework.
Therefore , we held workshop that using this framework for 4 perticipants.
In this paper, we discuss the effects and issues of this framework.

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