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General Session

General Session » GS-11 AI and Society

[2G1-GS-11] AI and Society:

Wed. May 29, 2024 9:00 AM - 10:40 AM Room G (Room 22+23)

座長:髙橋 翼(LINEヤフー/SB Intuitions)

9:00 AM - 9:20 AM

[2G1-GS-11-01] Generative AI-Based System for Extracting Crime-Constituting-Facts in Criminal Cases

〇Iori Imai1, Goki Nishimura1, Miyu Nakata1, Touta Suko1, Ryo Nomura1, Yuki Nakamichi1 (1. Waseda University)

Keywords:GPT, case law analysis, criminal cases, sentence extraction

In criminal law studies, analyzing numerous criminal cases is essential but time-consuming and costly. In our research, we have created a system that automates the analysis using generative AI, specifically utilizing the GPT-4. This system is designed to automatically extract facts from criminal cases that fulfill the requirements for establishing a crime, which are called the elements of crime.

To evaluate the performance of our system, we conducted experiments with four types of crimes. As a result, for most elements of the crime, more than 90 percent of the extractions were at least overlapping with the correct answer. Furthermore, the quality of that had no major problems from the perspective of legal experts.Even when extracting facts differed from the correct parts, several extractions were not entirely incorrect in terms of quality. On the other hand, the cases where the extracted parts are summarized or insufficient extraction need improvement.

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