
Presentation information

Organized Session

Organized Session » OS-21

[2N4-OS-21] OS-21

Wed. May 29, 2024 1:30 PM - 3:10 PM Room N (Room 54)

オーガナイザ:水上 拓哉(理化学研究所革新知能統合研究センター)、中川 裕志(理化学研究所革新知能統合研究センター)、佐倉 統(理化学研究所革新知能統合研究センター)、福住 伸一(理化学研究所革新知能統合研究センター)

1:30 PM - 1:50 PM

[2N4-OS-21-01] Thinking about Future Morality with AIs

〇Shinya Oie1 (1. Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine)


The purpose of this presentation is to examine how human moral behavior may change in the future with the rise of artificial intelligence (AI). Moral theory has traditionally considered humans to be the sole agents of moral behavior, which is notably related to social values, such as autonomy. However, recent technological developments have made it possible to consider how human moral behavior may change with AI, and this directly challenges moral theory’s traditional understanding of humans. This presentation considers how human social values may be affected by the rise of AI. In particular, the author takes the case of humans becoming autonomous in combination with AI as a typical example, and examines the issues involved. In conclusion, the author will show that we need to closely examine how the concept of autonomy may change as humans become increasingly able to interact with AI.

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