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Organized Session

Organized Session » OS-2

[3K1-OS-2a] OS-2

Thu. May 30, 2024 9:00 AM - 10:40 AM Room K (Room 44)

オーガナイザ:鈴木 健二(ソニーグループ株式会社)、原 聡(大阪大学)、谷中 瞳(東京大学)、菅原 朔(国立情報学研究所)

9:00 AM - 9:40 AM

[3K1-OS-2a-01] (OS invited talk) Status of AI and data related legislation in the EU

〇Naoto Ikegai1 (1. Hitotsubashi University)

Keywords:EU AI Act, EU Data Act, Generative Act, General Purpose AI

The AI Act, expected to be adopted in the EU in early 2024, will introduce a broad regulatory framework for General Purpose AI, including generative AI. Furthermore, the Data Act, adopted in late 2023, will establish a comprehensive legal framework for promoting the use of both personal and non-personal data, including AI learning. In this talk, I review the overall picture of AI and data related legislation in the EU, with a focus on the AI Act and the Data Act, and then discuss the future of related legislation in Japan, while touching on trends in other countries.

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