
Presentation information

Organized Session

Organized Session » OS-22

[3N1-OS-22a] OS-22

Thu. May 30, 2024 9:00 AM - 10:40 AM Room N (Room 54)

オーガナイザ:諏訪 正樹(慶應義塾大学)、藤井 晴行(東京工業大学)

9:20 AM - 9:40 AM

[3N1-OS-22a-02] Becoming a community member through participating in a traditional festival:

Acquiring of ``knowledge, skills, and ethos’’ of the community

〇Mika Enomoto Enomoto1, Yasuharu Den2 (1. Tokyo University of Technology, 2. Chiba University)

Keywords:"knowledge, skills, and ethos" of the community, a member of the community, values, insight, ethics

In this study, based on the video recordings of Nozawa-Onsen Dosojin Festival, we illustrate how the ``knowledge, skills, and ethos'' of the community are acquired during festival preparation works, which give rise to a strong sense of being a member of that community. Ethos is the values, insight, and ethics possessed by the members, skills are physical techniques that require arrangement of force and body position among the members, and knowledge is those such as how to tie ropes and the traditions of the festival. We show how the members who did not known these things acquire them as they learn the preparation works for the festival, come to know the wisdom and thoughts of their predecessors, and become aware of being a part of the link that connects the long history of the village.

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