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Poster Session

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[3Xin2] Poster session 1

Thu. May 30, 2024 11:00 AM - 12:40 PM Room X (Event hall 1)

[3Xin2-76] An Approach to Decoding the Brain under Image Stimuli using a Diffusion Model

〇Fumi ISHIZAKI1, Ichiro KOBAYASHI1 (1.Ochanomizu University)

Keywords:Brain decoding, Diffusion model, Image stimuli

Humans recognize the external world by processing information received by the eyes and other sensory organs in the brain. Understanding how the human brain processes complex information from the outside world is expected to improve the performance of image and speech recognition technologies, which have made remarkable progress in recent years. In this study, we focus on brain activity decoding of visual experience, aim to read what humans are looking at by predicting image features from brain activity data, and further attempt to develop a method to output high-definition and semantically valid images by generating images from predicted features using a diffusion model.

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