
Presentation information

International Session

International Session » IS-2 Machine learning

[4Q3-IS-2d] Machine learning

Fri. May 31, 2024 2:00 PM - 3:40 PM Room Q (Room 402)

Chair: Teruhisa Miura (CRIEPI)

2:20 PM - 2:40 PM

[4Q3-IS-2d-02] A Comparative Study of Content Dependent and Independent Emotion Recognition using Convolutional Neural Network Based on DEAP Dataset

〇Zhiying Huang1, Ao Guo2, Jianhua Ma1 (1. Hosei University, 2. Nagoya University)

Keywords:emotion recognition, content independent, convolutional neural network, physiological signal, human computer interaction

Current research on emotion recognition has mainly focused on content dependent emotion recognition, where a model is trained and tested using user data from the same content sources (e.g., watch a movie or play a game). To provide cross-content services due to users’ emotions anywhere, it is necessary for a model to recognize users’ emotions in different content sources (i.e., content independent). Since limited studies have focused on content independent recognition, whether such emotion recognition has a competitive performance with content dependent emotion recognition is still unclear. To address this issue, we performed a comparative study of content dependent and independent emotion recognition by building CNN-based models from DEAP dataset. The DEAP dataset contains physiological data collected from 32 individuals while they were watching different videos. The data collected while watching a specific video is regarded as a single content. We built content independent model with leave-one-content-out approach. That is, using physiological data from one specific content for testing, and using the data from the remaining contents for training. As a result, we noticed that the performance of content independent recognition is significantly lower than that of content dependent recognition. We also identified that users’ emotions can be easily recognized in certain contents.

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