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Organized Session

Organized Session » OS-8

[4R3-OS-8b] OS-8

Fri. May 31, 2024 2:00 PM - 3:40 PM Room R (Room 51)

オーガナイザ:白松 俊(名古屋工業大学)、伊藤 孝行(京都大学)、大沼 進(北海道大学)、松尾 徳朗(産業技術大学院大学)

3:00 PM - 3:20 PM

[4R3-OS-8b-03] Examining the effect of discussion frame on the contents in public deliberation using a group discussion experiment

Comparison analysis of multiple common goods and consideration for affected parties using Discourse Quality Index (DQI)

〇Yume Souma1, Honami Ue1, Yukihide Shibata1, Mie Tsujimoto1, Qinglin Cui1, Takashi Nakazawa2, Tomoyuki Tatsumi3, Yoshiko Arima4, Susumu Ohnuma1 (1. Hokkaido University, 2. Toyo University, 3. Toyohashi Sozo Junior College, 4. Kyoto University of Advanced Science)

Keywords:discussion frame, Discourse Quality Index(DQI), multiple common goods, consideration for affected parties, group discussion experiment

This study aimed to clarify the effect of the discussion frame on the discourse in public deliberation. Citizens participating in public deliberation are requested to discuss multiple common goods and consider parties affected by the decision. However, the deliberation settings affect whether people can do so or not. We focused on the discussion frame as one of those conditions. To explore the relationship between the reference to common goods and consideration for affected parties and the discussion frame, we conducted a group discussion experiment manipulating discussion frames; one is the controversial frame, and another is the comprehensive frame. For the analysis, we used the questionnaire and Discourse Quality Index (DQI), in which two nonparticipants in the discussion rate each utterance according to the criteria. The results suggested that the discussion frame had no effect on the reference to common goods. However, an interaction concerning consideration for affected parties was found, indicating that participants in the comprehensive frame considered the affected parties regardless of their initial positions on the issue, while those in the controversial condition were considerate of different parties based on their positions. This study contributed to providing a condition promoting deliberation.

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