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[4Xin2] Poster session 2

Fri. May 31, 2024 12:00 PM - 1:40 PM Room X (Event hall 1)

[4Xin2-85] Toward development of logical model and abductive inference method of Werewolf agents with uncertain beliefs

〇Yuta Takada1, Takahisa Toda1 (1.The University of Electro-Communications )

Keywords:AIWolf, Uncertainty, BDI Logic, Abductive Reasoning, Communication Game with Imperfect Information

The Werewolf game is a game with incomplete information in which knowledge about the other players, such as roles assigned to players, is unknown and the game continues with debate about uncertain information or actions taken by players with uncertain beliefs until a win-condition is achieved.
Aiming to develop an artificial intelligence that plays the Werewolf game, we consider a logical model for agents with uncertain beliefs based on BDI logic, and present a transformation of logical formulas from BDI logic to first-order logic so as to perform abductive inference on the private information of other players.
We also discuss several issues of this approach to be resolved.

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