The 74th JSAP Autumn Meeting,2013

Presentation information

Oral presentation

12. Organic Molecules and Bioelectronics » 12.7 Biological and medical engineering, biochips

[16p-C4-1~12] 12.7 Biological and medical engineering, biochips

Mon. Sep 16, 2013 2:30 PM - 5:45 PM C4 (TC3 1F-114)

5:30 PM - 5:45 PM

[16p-C4-12] Biosensor Using Differential Si Ring Optical Resonators with Flow Channel

Tomoya Taniguchi1,2, Yoshiteru Amemiya1, Takeshi Ikeda1,3, Akio Kuroda1,3, Shin Yokoyama1,2 (Res. Inst. for Nanodevice and Bio Systems, Hiroshima Univ.1, Dept of Semiconductor Electronics and Integration.2, Dept of Molecular Biotechnology AdSM Hiroshima Univ.3)
