- Special Symposium
- Special Symposiumu"Applied Physics and Acoustics -- Current State and Future View--"Part I: Thinking of mysterious sound, audible sound and non-audible sound
- Special Symposiumu"Applied Physics and Acoustics -- Current State and Future View--"Part II: Current issue and future view of medical ultrasound technologies
- Symposium planned by Program Committee
Energy system innovation by the latest fuel cell technology
~ Discussion on fuel cell from view points of applied physics ~ - Recent progress on high-technology ion accelerator
- A new approach to fusion of computational and mathematical physics and nanophotonics
- Innovative laser processing for medical and bio applications
- Innovative Development of Terahertz Technologies and Applications
- Recent developments on quantum information devices
- Recent Progress in Laser Displays and Lighting
- Control of nanostructure by self assemble technology and thier device application
- Functional oxides for next-generation energy devices
- International Symposium on the Ultra-functionalities of Oxide Heterostructures and Nanocomposites
- Recent development of advanced transmission electron microscopy and their share-use
- Possibilities of reactive deposition process by high power impulse magnetron sputtering
- Road to high performance and multi-functional spintronic devices
- Spectroscopic technique for analyzing organic materials and devices
Energy system innovation by the latest fuel cell technology
- Symposium
- Tutorial
- 01. Applied Physics in General
- 02. Ionizing Radiation
- 03. Optics
- 04. Quantum Electronics
- 05. Optoelectronics
- 06. Thin Films and Surfaces
- 07. Beam Technology and Nanofabrication
- 08. Plasma Electronics
- Invited lecture of overseas researcher
- 8 Plasma Electronics(poster)
- [INVITED Seech] Plasma Electronics
- Plasma Electronics Award Speech
- 8.1 Plasma production and control
- 8.2 Plasma measurements and diagnostics
- 8.3 Plasma deposition of thin film and surface treatment
- 8.4 Plasma etching
- 8.5 Plasma nanotechnology
- 8.6 General plasma phenomena, emerging area of plasmas and their new applications
- 09. Applied Materials Science
- 10. Spintronics and Magnetics
- 11. Superconductivity
- 11 Superconductivity(poster)
- 11.1 Fundamental properties
- 11.2 Thin films, thick films, coated conductors and thin film crystal growth
- 11.3 Critical current, superconducting power applications
- 11.4 Analog application and its related technologies
- 11.5 Junction, circuit fabrication process and digital applications
- 12. Organic Molecules and Bioelectronics
- 12.1 Fabrication methods
- 12.2 Evaluation and basic properties
- 12.3 Electro-functional materials and devices
- 12.4 Opto-functional materials and devices
- 12.5 Liquid crystal
- 12.6 Polymers and soft materials
- 12.7 Biological and medical engineering, biochips
- 12.8 OLED
- 12.9 Organic transistors
- 12.10 Nanobiotechnology
- 12.11 Organic solar cells
- 12.12 Dimension-controlled organic nanomaterials
- 13. Semiconductors A (Silicon)
- 13.1 Basic properties and their evaluation
- 13.2 Semiconductor surfaces
- 13.3 Insulator technology
- 13.4 Interconnection technology
- 13.5 Si process technology
- 13.6 Silicon devices / Integration technology
- 13.7 Simulation
- 13.8 Basics and applications of MEMS, NEMS: Integration of diverse functionalities
- 14. Semiconductors B (Exploratory Materials, Physical Properties, Devices)
- 15. Crystal Engineering
- 16. Amorphous and Microcrystalline Materials
- 17. Nanocarbon Technology
- Joint session K
- JSAP-OSA Joint Symposia
- Fellow International Commemorative Speech
- 会合(IM)
- 放射線分科会幹事会
- 分科会庶務ミーティング
- 女性研究者ネットワーク女子会
- プラズマエレクトロニクス分科会ミーティング
- 応用物理学会中国四国支部2013年度第2回役員会
- 薄膜・表面物理分科会 第42期第3回幹事会
- APEX/JJAP定例編集委員会
- 応用物理教育分科会 幹事会
- 第2回FDリフレッシュ理科教室
- 応用物理教育分科会インフォーマルミーティング
- 応用電子物性分科会 幹事会
- 有機分子・バイオエレクトロニクス分科会インフォーマルミーティング
- シリコンテクノロジー分科会幹事会
- 超伝導分科会幹事会
- JJAP特集編集委員会議
- 研究会委員長・新領域グループ代表者会議
- 北陸・信越支部ミーティング
- 磁気科学研究会IM
- 集積化MEMS技術研究会 -未来デバイス懇談会-
- 第1回学生研究者交流会
- 先進パワー半導体研究会
- 大分類12意見交換会 兼 有機分子・バイオエレクトロニクス中分類再編ワーキンググループ第6回会合
- スピントロニクス研究会幹事会
- 2013 JSAP-MRS Joint Symposia Wrap-up Meeting
- 日本光学会 情報フォトニクス研究グループ幹事会
- 人材育成委員会社会貢献部門IM
- EMS33第1回運営・実行合同委員会
- シリサイド系半導体と関連物質研究会 幹事会
- 本部行事
- 大分類意見交換会