The 74th JSAP Autumn Meeting,2013

Presentation information

Oral presentation

14. Semiconductors B (Exploratory Materials, Physical Properties, Devices) » 14.5 Compound solar cells

[17a-D6-1~11] 14.5 Compound solar cells

Tue. Sep 17, 2013 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM D6 (MK 3F-301)

9:30 AM - 9:45 AM

[17a-D6-1] Increase in Conductivity of Transparent and Conductive Adhesive for Fabricating Multi-Junction Solar Cells

Shinya Yoshidomi1, Jun Furukawa1, Masahiko Hasumi1, Toshiyuki Sameshima1 (TUAT1)

Keywords:Indium Tin Oxide,Multi junction solar cell