The 74th JSAP Autumn Meeting,2013

Presentation information

Oral presentation

17. Nanocarbon Technology » 17.3 Exploration of new functions and evaluation of basic properties

[18p-B1-1~10] 17.3 Exploration of new functions and evaluation of basic properties

Wed. Sep 18, 2013 1:00 PM - 3:30 PM B1 (TC2 1F-101)

2:00 PM - 2:15 PM

[18p-B1-5] Spin-polarization of monolayer hexagonal boron nitride on Ni(111) investigated by spin-polarized metastable helium de-excitation spectroscopy

○(PC)Manabu Ohtomo1, Pavel Avramov1, Shiro Entani1, Yoshihiro Matsumoto1, Hiroshi Naramoto1, Yasushi Yamauchi2, Seiji Sakai1 (ASRC-JAEA1, NIMS2)
