The 60th JSAP Spring Meeting,2013

Presentation information

Regular sessions(Poster presentation with short presentation)

17. Nanocarbon Technology » 17. Nanocarbon Technology

[27p-G12-1~48_short] 17. Nanocarbon Technology

Wed. Mar 27, 2013 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM PB(G12) (2nd gymnasium)

[27p-G12-25_short] △Effects of Radical Oxidation on Crystallographic Structures of Carbon Nanowalls

Hironao Shimoeda1, Hiroki Kondo1, Kenji Ishikawa1, Mineo Hiramatsu2, Makoto Sekine1, Masaru Hori1 (Nagoya Univ.1, Meijo Univ.2)
