The 60th JSAP Spring Meeting,2013

Presentation information

Regular sessions(Oral presentation)

11. Superconductivity » 11.2 Thin films, thick films, coated conductors and thin film crystal growth

[27p-G2-1~11] 11.2 Thin films, thick films, coated conductors and thin film crystal growth

Wed. Mar 27, 2013 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM G2 (B5 1F-2102)

[27p-G2-6] Critical current properties in YBa2Cu3Oy films including nanorods with different compositions

Masakazu Haruta1, Keisuke Saura1, Natsuto Fujita1, Yuta Ogura1, Ataru Ichinose2, Toshihiko Maeda1, Shigeru Horii1 (Kochi Univ. Tech.1, CRIEPI2)
