


06.薄膜・表面 » 6.4 薄膜新材料

[18p-A11-1~17] 6.4 薄膜新材料

2014年9月18日(木) 13:15 〜 18:15 A11 (E215)

13:15 〜 13:45

[18p-A11-1] 「Invited lecture of overseas researcher」(30min.)
Tuning the magnetic properties of Co thin films by oxygen ion implantation

Jose Francisco Lopez-Barbera1,E Menéndez2,H Modarresi2,M Haidar3,B.J. Kirby4,J Åkerman3,5,J. A. Borchers4,A Vantomme2,K Temst2,Josep Nogués1,6 (ICN2-Institut Catala de Nanociencia i Nanotecnologia, Spain1,KU Leuven, Instituut voor Kern- en Stralingsfysica,Belgium2,University of Gothenburg,Sweden3,National Institute of Standards and Technology,USA4,Royal Institute of Technology,Sweden5,ICREA -Institucio Catalana de Recerca i Estudis Avançat,Spain6)

キーワード:ion implantation,cobalt oxide,ferromagnetism