The 61st JSAP Spring Meeting, 2014

Presentation information

Poster presentation

15. Crystal Engineering » 15.2 II-VI-group crystals

[18p-PG5-1~3] 15.2 II-VI-group crystals

Tue. Mar 18, 2014 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM PG5 (G棟2階)

1:30 PM - 3:30 PM

[18p-PG5-1] Formation of CdS/CdZnTe, ZnS/CdZnTe hetero junction by solution growth method

Shogo Okuyama1, Akina Ichioka2, Takahiro Doki2, Toshiyuki Sato1,2 (Nara Institute of Science and Technology1, SHIMADZU Co.2)
