2015年 第76回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会



4 JSAP-OSA Joint Symposia 2015 » 4.4 Opto-electronics

[14p-2D-1~19] 4.4 Opto-electronics

2015年9月14日(月) 13:45 〜 19:45 2D (212-2)

Chair:Takuo Tanemura(Univ. of Tokyo),Hiroji Masuda(Shimane Univ.)

19:30 〜 19:45

[14p-2D-19] Absolute distance measurement by two-color heterodyne pulse-to-pulse interferometry of optical frequency combs

〇Lei Liao1, Guangyao Xu1, Guanhao Wu1 (1.Tsinghua Univ.)

キーワード:Two-color,heterodyne inteferometry,synthetic wavelength

Optical frequency comb has led to revolutionary progress in absolute distance measurement. In our previous study, we have reported a synthetic-wavelength interferometry of optical frequency combs to improve the accuracy of pulse-topulse alignment [1]. However, the system that requires second harmonic generation and two acousto-optic modulators is complicated for practical applications. In the present study, we developed a compact heterodyne pulse-to-pulse interferometer for absolute distance measurement. Figure 1 illustrates the system layout configured for our measurements. The approach utilizes an optical frequency comb of Er-doped mode-locked fiber laser as the light source. The system is based on an unbalanced Michaelson interferometer. We use two band-pass filters to select two close wavelengths (λa=1550 nm and λb=1560 nm) to generate a synthetic wavelength of 240 μm. Long fiber is used to expand the dynamic range of distance measurement. With this system we made a step-by-step distance measurement up to 0.5m to confirm the measurement dynamic range expansion and evaluate the ranging accuracy. By using synthetic wavelength as a bridge between the interference intensity peakfinding method and the heterodyne interferometric phase measurement, we can achieve distance measurement in nanometer level.