2015年 第76回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会



3 光・フォトニクス » 3.13 半導体光デバイス

[16a-2E-1~9] 3.13 半導体光デバイス

2015年9月16日(水) 10:00 〜 12:15 2E (221-1)

座長:尾崎 信彦(和歌山大)

10:30 〜 10:45

[16a-2E-3] Impact of surface charge on spectrally diffusive photoluminescence in GaAs quantum dots grown by droplet epitaxy

〇(P)Neul Ha1, Takaaki Mano1, Takashi Kuroda1, Shun-Jen Cheng2, Paul M. Koenraad3, Akihiro Ohtake1, Yoshiki Sakuma1, Kazuaki Sakoda1 (1.NIMS, 2.NCTU-ROC, 3.TU Eindhoven)

キーワード:Line broadening,Quantum dots,Droplet epitaxy

Making use of droplet epitaxy, we systematically controlled the height of GaAs quantum dots by more than one order of magnitude. The photoluminescnece spectra of single quantum dots revealed the strong dependnece of the spectral linewidth on the dot height. The measured height dependent of the linewidths is in good agreement with Stark coefficients calculated for experimental shape variation. We attribute the microscopic source of fluctuating electric fields to random motion of surface charges at the vacuum-semiconductor interface.