22 results
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Pico Ammeter, Oxygen Monitor
![TAIYO NIPPONnSANSO Corporation](https://www.tn-sanso.co.jp/jp/common/img/logo.png)
Single Crystal Gallium Oxide substrate, Single Crystal YAG Phosphor
![Tec Corporation](http://www.t-e-c.co.jp/wp/wp-content/themes/theme151/images/logo.png)
Ultrasonic linear actuator, Scara robot, Voice coil motor, Optical Encoder, Hollow shaft motor
(Zaber Technologies from Canada) Built-in controller precision stepper motor stages & linear actuators / (Lika Electronic from Italy)Wide variety of optical & magnetic rotary & linear encoders. (Ne...
Prevac Co.Ltd.: X-Ray Source, UV Source, ION Source, Vacuum Chamber Highlight, Thickness Monitor Controller, UHV Design Co.Ltd: Magnetic Rotary Drives, Push Pull, Wobble sticks, Z-Stage
Thin Film Deposition System & Components: ◆Nano-particle Source◆RF Atom Source/Ion Source◆E-beam Evaporator◆Thermal Gas Cracker◆Organic Evaporator◆Sputtering source
![THAMWAY CO., LTD](http://www.thamway.co.jp/img/thamway_logo.gif)
RF power generator, RF amplifire, Post amplifire, RF components
![The Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST)](http://wcpec6.com/images/logo/logo02.gif)
![The Japan Society of Applied Physics](https://fbcdn-profile-a.akamaihd.net/hprofile-ak-prn2/v/t1.0-1/c170.50.621.621/s160x160/65053_136445986507904_1279408498_n.png?oh=43400c8934091738ab8e46eb4f491c88&oe=558C6ABE&__gda__=1434986757_4ab41934573f3a7f8cb5b3d74f4ff8bb)
Sample copies of APEX and JJAP
Ultrahigh temperature Super RTA System, Focused Infrared Heating Vacuum Furnace(IVF298W), Transparent Electric Furnace(GFA430VN) Others
nanoPVD Benchtop Reactive RF/DC Sputtering System, nanoCVD Benchtop Turnkey System for Graphene and CNT synthesis, MiniLab series flexible thin film deposition system, Sustrate Heaters
![TOKYO INSTRUMENTS, INC.](http://www.jlps.gr.jp/lamp/lamp2006/image11.jpg)