1:15 PM - 1:30 PM
△ [19p-H111-1] High-energy ion irradiation effect in modifying transition characteristics of VO2 films in rf substrate bias sputtering
Keywords:vanadium dioxide,biased sputtering,insulator-metal transition IMT
Control of insulator-metal transition (IMT) characteristics of VO2 film is expected. In this study, high-energy ion irradiation in biased reactive sputtering enabled significant modification of insulator metal transition temperature, TIMT of VO2 films even in rather thick films, by maintaining both transition and hysteresis properties. As the biasing power increases, significant shortened and lengthened of in-plane and out-of-plane axis, and oxygen vacancies induced were observed through TEM and XPS measurements. During presentation, details of high-energy ion irradiation on the VO2 transition properties, including stress state of the V atoms pair and Fermi level behavior will be discussed.