The 63rd JSAP Spring Meeting, 2016

Presentation information

Oral presentation

6 Thin Films and Surfaces » 6.5 Surface Physics, Vacuum

[19p-H113-1~9] 6.5 Surface Physics, Vacuum

Sat. Mar 19, 2016 1:15 PM - 3:45 PM H113 (H)

Yoichi Yamada(Univ. of Tsukuba)

1:30 PM - 1:45 PM

[19p-H113-2] Observation of microelements distribution in heat-resistant steels using TOF-SIMS

Norimichi Watanabe1, Hiroaki Mamiya1, Fujio Abe2, Masataka Ohkubo3, Hideaki Kitazawa1 (1.NIMS Quantum Beam, 2.NIMS Materials Reliability, 3.AIST Electronics and Manufacturing)

Keywords:TOF-SIMS,ferritic heat-resistant steel,microelement

It is well known that when the ferritic heat-resistant steel is doped with a small amount of boron, the grain boundary structure become stabilized, and creep strength is improved. However, it has not been shown why the structure close to the grain boundary becomes stable in the boron-doped ferritic heat-resistant steel. In this study, we observed the in-plane distribution of boron on the surface of the ferritic heat-resistant steel using TOF-SIMS.